A salve for all this chaos
A salve for all this chaos

Israel and Palestine.

The Ukraine and Russia.

The mess at the border (and in Congress).


And in the middle of it all, we’re all facing our own private fears, struggles and frustrations.

So … may I remind you of a few things?

Dubrow CPA’s Key Reminder #1: What you choose to “ingest” over these next few days will greatly impact your state-of-mind. Garbage in, garbage out, as they say. And, of course, the opposite is true — when you surround yourself with excellence and clear-eyed determination, you find that your heart and mind carry much greater strength.

Temper your media intake this week, as most of those outlets are (quite literally) merchants of fear.

Oh, and as I write this, it’s no surprise that the stock market is “reacting” a bit. (The Dow Jones is down about 500 points since Tuesday, 7/29.) So, this leads to my second reminder:

Dubrow CPA’s Key Reminder #2: The only thing certain about the stock market is that it’svolatileSo those of you with many assets resting there, don’t make moves out of panic. Sit down to discuss a tax-advantaged strategy … not a knee-jerk fear response.

Dubrow CPA’s Key Reminder #3: The only thing you can truly control is yourself. You can’t control the market, you can’t control our foreign affairs (unless, of course, Messrs. Kerry or Hagel are somehow reading this — perhaps you guys can!), and there’s a real sense in which you can’t even, really, control your salary and income.

So, with those key reminders in mind, here’s what I suggest:

Call the The Dubrow Group, CPA’s office this week: (818) 889-7285 and request one of our limited Tax Planning Saver Sessions. During this session, we will analyze your current situation and identify clear action steps for the last quarter of 2014 — designed to save your bottom line hundreds (or even thousands).

You CAN control your tax strategy… and we can help.

Until then…

Skylar Dubrow CPA
(818) 889-7285

The Dubrow Group, CPA’s


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